We offer the necessary infrastructure for the strict control of stock and traceability of the merchandise.
We have two industrial plants, which obtained the ISO 9001 by LATU-LSQA certification and all qualifications required by such demanding markets such as the European Economic Community, the United States and Israel.


115.000 m³ of storage for frozen products.
38.000 m³ in cold rooms for the preservation of perishable products.
6.000 m³ of controlled atmosphere storage.
5 quick freezing tunnels.

Strategic location:

The Propios_Br. Batlle y Ordoñez plant, just 3 kms. away from the port of Montevideo and 4 kms. away from the main access routes to the city.

Plant 5_ Route 1, km. 11.5 and Camino Bajo de la Petisa, just 11 kms. away from the port of Montevideo.

Plant 7_ also in Route 1, km. 11.5, in which since 2010 we provide the service of reception, cooling, container consolidation and freight to port to the fruit packaged in the plants of the north of the country. This allows significant savings in freight costs by not having to move the empty containers from the port of Montevideo to the production area, which can be located at an average distance of 400 kms.

Taste TeaTaste Tea
Centro LogisticoPolo Oeste
Hielos ModeloHielo Modelo
Aberdeen AngusAberdeen Angus
Suministro de FrioCold Storage Provider